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What does sitemap do to optimize your website
Source: Popularity: 1375 Published time: 2018-05-15 13:43:10
oneTo provide search engine spiders can browse the entire site links, while easy to include and index;
2.Provide search engine spiders with important links to pages that are dynamic or otherwise difficult to reach;
3.As a potential landing page, it can be optimized for search traffic;
4.If a visitor attempts to access a URL that does not exist within the domain of the website, the visitor will be redirected to the "File not found" error page, and the sitemap can be used as the "proper" content of the page;
5, for visitors to point out the browsing direction, as well as to understand the website framework structure, to help lost visitors find the page they want to see。
HTML sitemaps are not only friendly to the user's website experience,It is also very beneficial to do the website,For small websites, you can do without XML sitemaps,But not without HTML sitemap,You can do it in your own way,And not just for html maps,The details of all aspects of the website can be carried out,The important thing is to combine observation with creativity。
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